Welcome to the new BNN.ca.

We’ve made many improvements to our site to provide greater access and more detail to the stories, companies and trends that drive our content.

‘BNN.ca 101’ is here to answer questions about our new layout and help you locate all the great content on our site. Click here for the full collection of BNN.ca 101 tutorials.

Part 8: Subscribing to the BNN.ca Newsletter

BNN viewers can still get access to the day’s top stories and best content through our daily newsletters: The Daily Chase and Market Call.

If you were previously signed up for these newsletters, your subscription has not changed and the emails should be arriving daily in your inbox.

However, if you do not receive the newsletters already, there are a few locations to subscribe on the new site.

The quickest method is to go directly to the subscription page, which can still be found at BNN.ca/subscribe.

However, there are also numerous shortcuts on the site itself to gain access to newsletter subscription.

The first can be found along the right side of the home page in a featured BNN Newsletters space. 

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Clicking the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button below either The Daily Chase or ‘MARKET CALL’ description will re-direct you to the subscription page.

Additionally, a subscription link can be accessed at the bottom of every page on BNN.ca.

Scroll to the grey space at the bottom of every article or page on the site and click on the link that says ‘Subscribe to BNN Newsletters’.

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Once on the subscription page, signing up for the newsletters is a simple process.

There is a quick submission form to sign-up for the newsletters, which requires you to provide your first and last names, email address as well as your province, country and postal code. All the other information fields are optional.

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Also, should you wish to unsubscribe, or change the delivery address for the newsletter, those options can be found on the same page via links just above the submission form (highlighted above in red).

Did you find this helpful? Let us know if there are any other features to the new site you’d like explained and we may produce another instalment of BNN 101 to help guide you through the new site.