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Noah Zivitz

Managing Editor, BNN Bloomberg


Canada could be a target if the White House looks to score a win after the recent spate of internal turmoil, according to Jean Chretien's former director of communications.

Peter Donolo, who served in the office of the prime minister from 1993 to 1999, is rejecting any notion that this country could stand to stand benefit from the upheaval in D.C.

"I don't think we can take advantage of it. I think there's actually risks to us," Donolo said in an interview with BNN Monday.

"The risk is that [U.S. President Donald Trump] will look for some easy wins ... and trade could be one of them. He could decide he's going to get tough, he's going to look like a macho man, and that could create problems."

White House Director of Communications Anthony Scarammuci was ousted from the job on Monday just 10 days after he was appointed to the role. It was the latest in a string of top-level exits, including the likes of former FBI Director James Comey, acting Attorney General Sally Yates, and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus -- who was replaced by Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on Friday.

The ongoing tumult comes on the eve of crucial trade discussions between the United States, Canada and Mexico. The three countries will set down for the start of NAFTA negotiations on August 16.

Donolo thinks it's essential for Ottawa to make sure Kelly plays a big role in those talks.

"My guess is that the folks in our PMO are already in contact with General Kelly now that there's someone in charge," said Donolo, who is currently vice-chairman of Hill + Knowlton Strategies.

"They've got to hope that he's successful in bringing order to the White House. ... This notion of dealing with Ivanka Trump or her husband on any of that stuff just doesn't make sense."