When it comes to politics, Michael Reagan says times have changed since his father ran for president back in the 1980s.

“It’s a much different time in our political lives,” Reagan said in an interview with BNN. “I think it’s tougher now because it is a reality show, whether [Donald] Trump is in it or not, it’s a reality show … I think we have the two worst choices on the planet in 2016.”

As protectionist rhetoric on trade grows louder on the campaign trail, Reagan says Canadians and Americans need to understand this tough talk is par for the course.

“There is a lot of rhetoric that goes on in campaigns that you just can’t do when you get into the Oval Office and become president of the United States of America; everything changes for you,” said the political commentator and son of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

“America has [been sold] through social media, through talk radio that these are issues and this is the reason our economy is not doing that well. [It’s a mentality of] ‘If we just take care of trade; if we just take care of illegal immigration; boy, tomorrow we will wake up and the skies will be blue and the sun will be out and everything will be wonderful in the world.’”

Reagan says the trade relationship between Canada and the U.S. is resilient, regardless of campaign talking points.

“I think that it’s going to be there, it’s going to be strong and it should in fact be strong,” he said.